Apr 15 2018

DOGS: Walkers to Serve as Eyes and Ears for Police, Dracena Park Plans and Revised Leash Laws

Dogs: Leash Laws, Dracena Signage, Upper Dracena Lawn Improvements, Budget for Projects, Dog Walkers to be Eyes and Ears for Police –

On the Monday, April 16, 2018 Council agenda for the meeting starting at 7:30 p.m. are two items involving Dracena Park and dog policies. The meeting will be broadcast live on Channel 27 and from the Piedmont website under videos. 

04/16/18 -Consideration of Dracena Park Signage & Upper Lawn Improvements and Establishment of a Budget for the Project

04/16/18 -Introduction and 1st Reading of Ord. 741 N.S. Updating Leash Law Provisions, Clarifying Off Leash Areas, and Updating Outdated Provisions

Garrett Keating publicized the following information:

DOG OWNERS: 1. Dracena Park Signage and Off-Leash Area: Parks Department will be presenting the final design for the off-leash area on the Dracena Park upper lawn that Council approved 2 years ago in response to Milo’s petition. Staff has proposed incorporating a bioswale into the design that substantially reduces the off-leash area approved in the initial concept. Adequate area for off-leash dog play was the intent of the initial concept so it will be important for dog owners to comment on the final design. Contact Parks and Projects Manager Nancy Kent at nkent@piedmont.ca.gov (510) 420-3064 2. Leash Law Update: Council directed the Police Department to review leash law rules in all city parks. Penalties, hours of use and other dog rules may be changed. Contact Chief Jeremy Bowers for more information. jbowers@piedmontpd.org (510) 420-3011

Dog Walker Watch program to convert Dog Walkers to be Eyes and Ears for Police

The Piedmont Police Department hosted a Dog Walker Watch information meeting at the Linda Dog Park on Saturday, April 14th at noon. Piedmont’s Dog Walker Watch program is designed to educate dog walkers on how to serve as extra eyes and ears for law enforcement.

One Response to “DOGS: Walkers to Serve as Eyes and Ears for Police, Dracena Park Plans and Revised Leash Laws”

  1. The Dracena plan passed, 4 to 1.
    Key revelations:
    $30k for 10 signs and 70 path medallions. That comes to $2000 a sign and $100 a medallion.
    The bioswale will not connect to the street. Bioswales are intended to collect polluted street runoff and treat it naturally in the soil. This is a flower bed that will collect natural water and discharge it into the redwoods. Terrible water resources management.
    A park neighbor squelched the dog water fountain even though a garden club has funded it. His claim that the city should wait to install to see if dog owners behave went unchallenged by council members.
    The mayor lauded staff for the extensive public process but there were only two park commission hearings on this matter over a three year period. At the second hearing, the commission went into closed session to deliberate. Key details of the plan were not released until last night and the meeting was not publicly noticed.

    We dog walkers have been watching these past three years and it’s been ugly.

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