Proposed Council Resolution to Oppose State Bill to Require Density Bonuses April 16
Piedmont’s City Council will consider a resolution opposing Senate Bill 827 –
Senate Bill 827 could oblige Piedmont to offer a density bonus and/or a Floor Area Ratio of no less than 2.5 for lots with a maximum height limit of 45 feet, if a developer proposes to construct a specified percentage of units for very low, low-, or moderate-income households on a transit rich site.
The Piedmont staff report on Measure SB 827 states, in part:
“Known as the Transit Zoning Bill, SB 827 would replace local zoning regulations with looser state standards for the development of multi-family housing on parcels near a major transit stop or corridor. The bill would undermine Piedmont’s General Plan and Housing Element (certified by the Department of Housing and Community Development in 2014) by allowing the Legislature to transfer the power to determine local land development patterns throughout cities into the hands of land speculators and developers.”