Nov 2 2018
Linda Beach Plan: Nov. 7 : Joint Meeting Park and Rec Commissions
City of Piedmont
Joint Park Commission and
Recreation Commission
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
7:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA
Receipt of a Report on the Revised Conceptual Plan for the Linda Beach Master Plan and
Consideration of a Recommendation to the City Council on Next Steps
A summary of the distinguishing attributes of the revised plan are as follows:
- A California Playscape designed with landscape buffers near the Oakland Avenue Bridge and along Howard Avenue fills the now dormant south end of the park with natural adventure play for all ages
- Creation of a new enclosed tot lot (~4000 sq. ft.) for children age 3 and younger at the north end of the park within the existing tot lot footprint with a new restroom building to serve the tot lot, flex space and tennis courts
- A Sport Court Flex Space that can serve as multipurpose outdoor recreation program space for all ages (e.g. weekday adult/senior programs such as tai chi, outdoor fitness and painting; afterschool enrichment activities such as jump rope, martial arts, arts and crafts; outdoor and overflow space for Schoolmates)
- An artificial turf bocce ball court that makes efficient use of space required for ADA access grading
- Multiple picnic areas suitable for small family gatherings
- New modern restrooms and storage for community youth sports organizations at the south end
- Significant landscape buffers at the south end of the park
- Two ADA entrances from Linda Avenue and stair access from the north end of the pedestrian path near Beach School to the tot lot and stair access from the tennis courts to the sports field
- Retention of the notable trees on site including the Melaleucas along Linda Avenue and the mature redwoods below the play field
- Two tennis courts with north-south orientation and slightly larger offsets than existing courts
- The use of permeable surfaces for hardscape areas and paths to create options for green infrastructure allowing for appropriate storm water treatment options to be integrated into the landscape
- Phasing approach that allows for the long neglected south end of the park to be constructed first
- Allows for a third phase of the project which would add a multi-purpose recreation building to the northwest corner of the park expanding indoor recreation programming opportunities for Piedmonters of all ages (bridge, mahjong, book club, yoga, art, lego, knitting, carpentry, ballet etc.)
- Phase three building also creates an indoor/outdoor interface that will accommodate robust and complete full day summer camp offerings as well as after school enrichment activities and small evening and weekend gatherings
- Fencing plan allows for controlling park use after hours
Couple of thoughts/observations
Good to see the tot lot staying put. It’s proximity to easy parking and the playground is most logical.
Pickle ball seems to have been left out of the plan. Added noise was raised as a concern but that seems less than the noise and activity that will result with the greater density and options at the park. Weekend noise from this new facility will certainly increase over existing.
Green infrastructure: the city is obligated to treat storm water runoff from STREETS to reduce the runoff of PCBs and mercury from roadways into the bay. Unless street runoff from Linda and Howard is diverted into the park area, the permeable surfaces and other green infrastructure of the plan will have no impact on this requirement. Like Hampton Field, an opportunity to use natural grade to divert street runoff is being bypassed.
Use restrictions: the plan seems to add a great deal more social activity options with picnic tables, more restrooms and multi-use space. The Beach neighborhood has made use of the field for special events and these changes may be proposed to address that. But they will also attract many other users as well. Use restrictions and possibly permits will be required to control this expanded use. And locking the facility.
Cost: Renovation of Hampton Field cost $2+ M. Could this plan cost $4 M.? Bonds will likely be needed to pay for the project. Apparently, some neighbors have proposed a scaled back plan.
Bocce courts have been added into the Master Plan; there has been zero resident request for Bocce. Pickleball has been omitted despite numerous resident requests for a permanent Pickleball venue. Pickleball in Piedmont has been active and growing but yet to receive a firm answer from the City concerning a permanent venue. Linda Beach is ideal given the upcoming rehabilitation and the generally active nature of this well used recreation area.