Piedmont Recycling and Waste Reduction Improvements, Report to Park Commission March 6
The Piedmont Park Commission on March 6 will consider consultants’ work reducing the landfill stream originating from Piedmont public activities.
In 2018, the City hired Abbe and Associates using money from ratepayers waste removal charges to provide outreach and technical assistance for waste reduction, recycling, and composting to reduce the landfill stream. The consultants have been working with City staff, Piedmont Unified School District (PUSD) staff and students to streamline and improve waste reduction, recycling, and composting at City and School facilities. Purpose of the consultants work is to:
- To increase the City’s and PUSD’s rate of diversion from landfill to 75% by working with staff and students.
- To educate about proper sorting habits to reduce contaminants in recycling and organics.
[Read the report Abbe Environ EXHIBIT A piedmont evergreen ]
On Wednesday, March 6, Laura McKaughan of Abbe and Associates will report on the progress achieved from July through December, 2018, the first six months of the program.
Civic events in Piedmont generate significant waste.
Another focus of the consultant work was the challenge to bring large celebrations and civic events –Harvest Festival, Turkey Trot, and Christmas Tree Lighting – into less wasteful patterns.
In 2018, the Harvest Festival achieved an 87% recycling rate (1635 gallons of waste material generated at the Festival was recycled or composted and only 245 gallons went to the landfill). The 2018 Turkey Trot achieved a 96% recycling rate (548 gallons of waste material generated at the race was recycled or composted and only 24 gallons went to the landfill). Preferred foodware options were identified for use at other events and even staff meetings.
The consultants work with the Piedmont Unified School District to reduce waste going to landfill.
The consultants worked with Piedmont Unified School District personnel by making site assessments of the High School and Middle School. New outdoor recycling containers were installed at the High School with additional installations planned at all school campuses.
Piedmont Park Commission Meeting Agenda: Wednesday, March 6, 5:30 p.m., in City Hall:
- Approval of Park Commission Minutes for February 6, 2019
- Update on Olive Ave. Street Tree Replacements
- Report from Abbe and Associates: Piedmont Evergreen Team Abbe Environ EXHIBIT A piedmont evergreen
- Consideration of New Trash, Recycle and Green Waste Containers for Outdoor Public Spaces
- Update on Heritage Tree Nominations for 2019
- Update on Arbor Day 2019
- Monthly Maintenance Report
The meeting will be broadcast live on Cable Channel 27 and on the City website for the Piedmont Park Commission meetings http://www.ci.piedmont.ca.us/video/.
For additional information, contact Nancy Kent at NKent@piedmont.ca.gov