Parcel Tax Consideration: Piedmont Budget Advisory Committee Tuesday, June 25
The Budget Advisory and Financial Planning Committee will meet in the Emergency Operations Center, Police Department, 403 Highland Avenue at 7 pm on Tuesday, June 25. The meeting is open to the public. The meeting will not be broadcast or visually recorded. Minutes of the meetings are not kept.
Background, backup agenda information has not been made available to this media outlet or the public in general. Results of the Committee’s recommendations are transmitted to the City Council via a letter from the Committee Chair.
No minutes have been on the Committee agendas verifying Committee approval. The City website states: “Meetings of the Budget Advisory and Financial Planning Committee are recorded for the purposes of creating minutes. Audio files for meetings are available from the City Clerk’s office at (510) 420-3040.”
Agenda June 25, 2019
- Update on the Committee’s Review of the Parcel Tax Pursuant to Resolution 120-14.
- Consideration of Scheduling Future Meetings
The Budget Advisory Committee reviews and provides comment and recommendations on Capital Projects over $250,000, annual budget, five year projections of the City’s annual budget proposal, parcel taxes, proposed funding and expenditures from several long term funds, and the proposed mid-year budget.
The committee members per Council policy are exempted from and thus not required to provide conflict of interest statements to the City, hence public review is not available.
Committee member names as listed on the City 6/21/19 website are provided below. Contact numbers for the Committee members are not publicly listed.
Council Liaison: Robert McBain – – (VM) 420-3048
Staff Liaison: Michael Szczech – – (W) 420-3045
Cathie Geddeis
Bill Hosler
Deborah Leland
Christina Paul
Maya Rath
Michael Reese
Frank Ryan
Chris Kwei (Alternate)
For further information, contact Staff Liaison and Finance Director: Michael Szczech – – (W) 420-3045