Mar 10 2020

Covid-19 and Piedmont

 The City of Piedmont is continuing to monitor the public health risk related to the Covid19 virus, sharing messaging and planning in conjunction with Alameda County.

Contact: Fire Chief Bret Black March 10, 2020 (510) 420-3030

For additional information click the link below:

2020-03-10 Covid-19 Mass Gatherings

One Response to “Covid-19 and Piedmont”

  1. Sir or Madam,
    Can you reassure us older persons in Piedmont that the city has a plan to organize volunteers who can help persons who will be house-bound due to social distancing policies? We all understand that several hundred households in Piedmont will likely be advised or ordered to reduce contact with others and that people in those households will want to comply. Getting necessities such as medicine and food will, however, may lead many to violate isolation directives if they no alternative. I just checked with online grocery services and found deliveries weren’t available for 10 days — and that would likely be longer if the home-bound population were greater.

    So please, reassure us that the city has plans to organize some sort of volunteer group that can help home-bound persons to get necessities. We will likely need such help soon.

    Thank you

    Editors Note: PCA knows of no such Piedmont plan for homebound individuals. Additionally, no information has been released from the city regarding how emergency responders are prepared to assist ill individuals while protecting themselves. If such information becomes available it will be published on this site.

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