Piedmont Essential Gardening Services Include Weed Removal, Clearing Debris, Erosion Control, Irrigation Maintenance for Fire Safety and Water Conservation
Piedmont is in flower everywhere with myriad blossoms from wisteria, camellias and dozens of other species littering steep garden pathways and public sidewalks. If allowed to remain and rot, they will become slippery slimy threats to the safety of pedestrians out for their brief daily walk.
The City of Piedmont definition of Essential Gardening Services includes amongst other tasks, weed and debris removal for fire safety, clearing debris and installing measures for erosion control, and irrigation maintenance for water conservation.
The Parks Division continues to work with Terra Landscaping in repurposing their efforts to concentrate on only essential services, which includes amongst other tasks, working with the fire department on weed and debris removal for fire safety, clearing debris and installing measures for erosion control, and irrigation maintenance for water conservation.
April 6, 2020, Sara Lillevand, City Administrator
Report on the Impacts of the COVID 19 Emergency on the City of Piedmont
The Alameda County March 31, 2020 Order allows tree trimming to prevent a dangerous situation and limits gardening as follows:
xiii. Arborists, landscapers, gardeners, and similar service professionals, but only to the limited extent necessary to maintain the habitability, sanitation, operation of businesses or residences, or the safety of residents, employees, or the public (such as fire safety or tree trimming to prevent a dangerous condition), and not for cosmetic or other purposes (such as upkeep); Alameda County Order