Apr 29 2020

Piedmont COVID 19 Orders Remain in Place

On Wednesday, April 29th, the Alameda County Health Officer issued a revised shelter in place order which will become effective on Monday, May 4th. The revised order largely keeps current shelter in place requirements and restrictions on non-essential activities in place and extends them through the end of May. The new order includes limited easing of specific restrictions for a small number of lower-risk activities.

Face coverings are required when leaving the home.

It’s important to note that provisions of the current order remain in force until the end of the day on Sunday, May 3rd. In addition, the requirement to wear face coverings when leaving the home is still in place.

The City of Piedmont is determining how the revised order will affect activities in Piedmont and will provide detailed information to the community on or before Friday, May 1st.

To read the order, a summary document, and the joint press release, please visit the Alameda County Public Health Department’s COVID-19 page at http://www.acphd.org/2019-ncov.aspx

One Response to “Piedmont COVID 19 Orders Remain in Place”

  1. No one is enforcing mask wearing. I was at Wells Fargo ATM; I saw groups of HS kids next to each other, chatting, not wearing masks. But then I saw a group of 5 ADULTS in a group chatting, not wearing masks.

    No enforcement….. a ticket??? Just like gas leaf blowers…. no tickets.

    Piedmont has rules, but does not enforce them.

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