Jul 31 2020
OPINION: Survey Asks Preferences of Parents, Students and Teachers for PUSD Fall Program
School Board Candidate Hari Titan Asks For Community Input on In-School Versus Distance Learning, Virus Transmission Mitigation, 14 day Quarantines for COVID – 19 Positive, and More
I’m conducting a survey that is open to all community members in Piedmont regarding how schools should open under ideal circumstances.This new survey goes into the substantive decisions being made by the school district and seeks to find out how the public would have decided things.The results of this survey will be easily interpretable and will be shared with participants and the school board.
The survey is here: bit.ly/2020ReopenSurveyThank you for your participation.Hari TitanCandidate for the Piedmont Unified School District Board of Trustees