Mar 23 2021
On Campus Instruction Spring and Fall, Student InterDistrict Transfer, Bond Issuance, New Theater: March 24
Update for on campus instruction – Spring and Fall
- Negotiations continue for Spring on campus instruction.
- Fall 2021 – The Board of Education and the Piedmont Unified School District is planning for providing full-time, on-campus instruction for the 2021-2022 school year. Read the staff report in the link below.
- $10,000,000 in School Bonds: The bonds were awarded to the bidder providing the lowest true interest cost (TIC), which represents the interest to be repaid by taxpayers. The bids also include a premium to cover the costs of the sale so that the net amount received by the District is $10 million. Of the seven bids received, Fidelity Capital Markets had the lowest TIC at 2.1268%. The costs of issuance total $146,440, not including the compensation to the underwriters. Costs include fees paid to the bond counsel, financial advisor, rating agency and other miscellaneous costs related to the bond sale. These costs, as well as any underwriting costs or commissions are included in the TIC because they are paid from premium generated when the underwriters sell the bonds to investors. The competitive sale ensures that the bonds were sold at the lowest possible cost.
- InterDistrict Transfers – Updated
- Theater and STEAM Building Updates
Agenda and more links > HERE
Who was the bond counsel, how was counsel selected and what was the related fee plus any expenses? I have the same questions about the financial advisor.
Thank you.