Apr 28 2021

Piedmont Arbor Day Friday, April 30

This year, the City of Piedmont’s Arbor Day Celebration will be held VIRTUALLY on Friday, April 30th.
Arbor Day Video:
The City has a link on their website of the Arbor Day video, which highlights the City’s 19 heritage trees, as well as, a presentation by Zach Parisa speaking about Piedmont’s own urban forest.

WATCH the Video > https://youtu.be/0sHHQ_AXflY

Arbor Day Tree Planting:
The City will be planting three Yulan Magnolia in Dracena Park, in memory of Ralston Louie.
Chalk Art Contest:
Public Works is also hosting a Chalk Art Contest for our youngest residents. Participants can pick their favorite street or park tree next to a sidewalk, write the tree’s name in chalk along with any inspired artwork honoring the tree! Please send your photo of the artist and tree to Nancy Kent. If you need assistance identifying your tree, contact Parks & Project Manager, Nancy Kent!
Prizes will be awarded for the most creative tree art!
For additional information contact Nancy Kent at nkent@piedmont.ca.gov
or (510) 420-3064 

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