Proposed Budget, Municipal Services Special Tax, and Special Municipal Sewer Tax
$31,173,188 Budget, Municipal Services Special Tax for tax year beginning July 1, 2021, Special Municipal Sewer Tax and More on Monday, JUNE 21, 2021 Council agenda
On Monday, June 21 the City Council will vote on adopting the 2021-22 Budget, the Municipal Services Special Tax, the Special Municipal Sewer Tax, the Operating and Other Funds Budgets, as well as the Schedule of Fees and Charges, and Appropriations (Gann) Limit.
Personnel costs are budgeted at $1,193,071 (6%) higher than 2020 -2021, while the total budget increases 10%.
Closure of the Community Pool in 2020 was helpful to City finances, since it has operated at a loss after the City took over its administration. The Budget presumes the pool will be closed the entire 2021-22 fiscal year.
Special Municipal Sewer Tax estimated revenue of $2,802,000 for the 2021-22 tax year:
Single Family Residence Property Size:
0 to 4,999 sq. ft. $625
5,000 to 9,999 sq. ft. $712
10,000 to 14,999 sq. ft. $821
15,000 to 20,000 sq. ft. $957
Over 20,000 sq. ft. $1,127
Commercial Properties:
0 to 10,000 sq. ft. $1,127
Over 10,000 sq. ft. $1,554
Multi-Family Residence:
per unit $521
Parcels Divided by Tax Code Area Line $625
The City Council previously approved loans totaling $800,000 to the Sewer Fund from the Equipment Replacement Fund and the Facilities Maintenance Fund.
The Capital Improvement Projects Review Committee suspended its activity due to COVID-19 but is expected to convene during FY 21-22
Read Staff Report here
so why did Piedmont go into debt for the POOL development?