Sep 14 2021

Compost Giveaway Saturday, September 18

Compost Giveaway
Saturday, September 18, 2021
9 am – 12 pm
Piedmont Corporation Yard
898 Red Rock Road, Piedmont, CA

The City of Piedmont, in partnership with Republic Services, is holding a free compost giveaway for residents in advance of the Harvest Festival at the City’s Corporation Yard (898 Red Rock Road) on Saturday, September 18, 2021 from 9 am to 12 pm. All Piedmont households can pick up to two cubic-yards of compost while supplies last. Preorders are not available. Bring shovels, gloves, containers, and proof of residency (driver’s license or current Republic Services bill) to pick up compost. Residents must bag and load the compost themselves. Residents are strongly encouraged to wear masks or face coverings and follow the Alameda County Public Health Department’s COVID-19 guidance. While not required, it is strongly suggested encouraged to fill out the form here to indicate your estimated pick-up time Saturday.

The compost is made from yard trimmings and food waste collected from Republic Services communities participating in curbside organics collection services. Close the loop by using the finished compost, made locally. Mixing compost with your soil adds nutrients to the soil, aids in water retention and pest control, and helps plants thrive! Learn more about the benefits and uses of compost here.

Sign up for email notifications or visit the City’s news and notifications page for postings of giveaway events. For more information, contact Sustainability Program Manager, Alyssa Dykman.

More information on COMPOST –

SB 1383

Short-lived Climate Pollutants: Organic Waste Reductions

What is SB 1383?

In September 2016, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 1383 into law. SB 1383 establishes methane reduction targets as part of a larger strategy to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The law establishes a mandated target to achieve a 75% reduction in statewide disposal of organic waste by 2025 and requires the state to increase edible food recovery by 20% for human consumption by 2025. To achieve these targets, the California Department of Resources, Recycling, and Recovery (CalRecycle) developed a series of rules for all cities and counties throughout California to implement. The regulations were finalized by CalRecycle in November 2020 and take effect on January 1, 2022.

Why is SB 1383 important?

The state is experiencing the effects of a climate crisis – extreme droughts, increasing number of wildfires, warmer temperatures, and rising sea levels. As a response to the crisis, California has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly those most potent and are short-lived. Methane is such an example. Methane gas is a potent climate pollutant that is released when organic waste, which includes surplus edible food, food scraps, food soiled paper and yard waste, decomposes in a landfill. It is 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide and degrades in the atmosphere in approximately 12 years. About 20 percent of statewide methane emissions comes from landfills. In an effort to cut methane emissions, SB 1383 sets targets to reduce organic waste.

What does SB 1383 mean for me?

SB 1383 requires everyone in California to recycle organic waste, including paper, cardboard, yard materials, food scraps, and food-soiled paper.

Requirements for Residents: Residents must subscribe to and participate in the City’s recycling and organic waste curbside collection services or self-haul to a recycling or composting facility. The City’s franchise waste hauler, Republic Services, provides trash, recycling, and organic containers to customers for weekly waste collection. Collection service for recyclables and organics is unlimited in volume and provided at no additional cost. Additional or larger carts for recyclables and organics can be ordered by contacting Republic Services at (800)320-8077. Residents that elect to self-haul waste generated at the premises directly to a disposal or processing facility holding all applicable permits to accept the materials. Any resident desiring to do so as a means to satisfying the City’s proposer waste disposal obligation under Municipal Code Section 9.03.010 must obtain a self-hauling permit. The rules for self-haul permits are covered under Municipal Code Section 9.03.060.

Requirements for Businesses: Businesses are required to follow certain rules regarding waste sorting, collection, and education. These rules also apply to: all organization; nonprofits; and all multi-family properties with 5 or more units. Businesses must subscribe to and participate in the City’s recycling and organic waste curbside collection services or self-haul to a recycling or composting facility. The City’s franchise waste hauler, Republic Services, provides trash, recycling, and organic containers to customers for weekly waste collection. Additional or larger carts for recyclables and organics can be ordered by contacting Republic Services at (800)320-8077. Businesses that elect to self-haul waste generated at the premises directly to a disposal or processing facility holding all applicable permits to accept the materials. Any business desiring to do so as a means to satisfying the City’s proposer waste disposal obligation under Municipal Code Section 9.03.010 must obtain a self-hauling permit. The rules for self-haul permits are covered under Municipal Code Section 9.03.060. Businesses must ensure they have adequate access to recycling and organics recycling services for their employees, contractors, customers, and tenants, including supplying and allowing access to an adequate number, size, and location of bins either clearly labeled or the appropriate color (i.e., green for organic waste, blue for recycling, and grey for solid waste). Any new waste bin purchased on or after January 1, 022 must either have the correct colors or labeling. Businesses also must periodically inspect recycling and organic waste bins for contamination and remind employees about proper sorting.  Businesses must provide information to employees, contractors, tenants, and customers about waste diversion requirements and the proper sorting of waste annually. Businesses will also need to provide new residential and commercial tenants with information on how to properly sort waste within 2 weeks of occupation and thereafter on an annual basis. StopWaste provides annual outreach to all business and will create materials to satisfy some of the requirements.

Exemption: Businesses that meet the De Minimis or Physical Space criteria can be exempted from some of the SB 1383 requirements. Businesses will be able to apply for SB 1383 De Minimis and Physical Space waivers. Multi-family properties will only be able to apply for Physical Space waivers. The City may waive certain requirements if a business provides documentation or has evidence demonstrating the following:

  1. De Minimis Waiver
    • Business generates two cubic yards or more of waste per week (trash, recycling, and organics) and the organic material subject to recycling or compost generated is less than20 gallons per week per applicable container OR
    • Business generates less than two cubic yards or more of waste per week (trash, recycling, and organics) and the organic material subject to recycling or compost generated is less than 10 gallons per week per applicable container.
    • The City must verify the generation meets the waiver thresholds. If the City receives information at any time of generation above threshold, the jurisdiction shall the rescind waiver.
  2. Physical Space Waiver
    • The commercial business or property owner provides documentation or the City has evidence from its staff, hauler, licensed architect, or licensed engineer demonstrating that the premises lack adequate space for any of the container configurations allowed.

How is Piedmont preparing for SB 1383?

Fortunately for Piedmont, we are already well on our way toward compliance with SB 1383 since Piedmont has had mandatory organics waste collection service since 2008. Nonetheless, there are other requirements of SB 1383 that will be implemented.

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