Aug 13 2022

Announcement: Piedmont Virtual Housing Element Presentation: Thursday, Aug. 18th 5 pm

City of Piedmont Housing Element Event

You are invited to a Housing Element 102 information session on Thursday, August 18th at 5:00 p.m. Please attend in person, virtually on Zoom (, or on KCOM-TV, the City’s Government Access television station (Comcast Channel 27 or AT&T Channel 99).

The Housing Element 102 information session, to be held in the City Council Chambers, will be followed by a Housing open house in the City Hall Courtyard. This session, which follows the Housing Element 101 session, hosted by the City on September 29, 2021, (available online on the City website at, is an opportunity to provide clarity on salient pieces of a complex process.

Family coloring together photo.

The Housing Element 102 information session will focus on four main topics:

  • Housing Element and the Regional Housing Needs Allocation basics
  • Overview of the Draft Housing Element sites inventory
  • Recap of the direction the City Council provided to staff at its August 1, 2022 meeting
  • Update on the status of Piedmont’s Housing Element process, next steps, and timeline to HCD certification

The Housing open house, being held directly after the close of the information session, will be a chance to meet with City staff and gain additional clarity on the Draft Housing Element. Before the information session, Community members are encouraged to view the City’s Housing Element Basics YouTube playlist, which consists of a series of short videos about the Housing Element process.

Comprehensive and detailed information about the Housing Element process is available on and

Your ideas and suggestions are welcomed and encouraged. Public comment on the Draft Housing Element can be made in writing via mail to Draft Housing Element, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611, and emailed to:

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