CA Energy Emergency Alerts Likely Until Battery Technology Advances
Emergency Alerts Began on Sunday, September 4 This Week
On Wednesday, September 7, The California Independent System Operator (ISO) issued an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) stage 2, effective from 4 to 9pm.
On Tuesday, September 6, the California Independent System Operator (ISO) issued an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) stage 2 for 4 to 9pm. As grid conditions worsened, energy supplies were determined to be insufficient to cover demand and reserves, and an EEA stage 3 was declared at 5:17 pm, indicating controlled power outages were imminent.
Planned outages are implemented when all the other emergency tools on hand for the ISO, utilities and state agencies have been used and supplies are still insufficient to cover demand.
If needed, ISO could order utilities to begin rotating power outages to maintain stability of the electric grid. If that occurs, consumers should expect communications – either phone, text or email – from their utilities notifying them of outage areas and likely durations.
Rotating power outages, or small-scale, contained, controlled interruptions in power, can help maintain reliability and avoid cascading blackouts. When the ISO determines that supplies are not sufficient to meet demand, it can issue an EEA 3, and then if reserves are exhausted, it would order utilities to begin outages to bring demand back in line with available supplies. ISO announcement here
Battery Technology Advances Are Needed to Restore Reliable Electric Energy
Massive Battery Capacity is Necessary to Allow Dependence on Solar and Wind Farms and Power a Huge Increase in the Number of Electric Cars
At present batteries require toxic or rare materials including nickel, lithium and cobalt. Replacing fossil fuels with toxics may not be entirely defensible. Doug Powell, Solid Power head, reminds us “Batteries are no different than all other science fields – nothing is free.” Longer driving range requires longer charge time, but charge time affects cycle life.
Various new developments in battery technology are hyped, only to be discarded a few years later. A case in point was lithium-sulfur batteries, which generated excitement in 2010. Unfortunately, their claimed energy density required huge amounts of electrolytes.
Until battery technology catches up with the multiple needs, Piedmonters and all Californians will have to restrain their use of electricity, especially as sunset approaches, shutting down the stream of solar energy.