Pool Bids Exceed Piedmont’s Resources
City Council to Consider Pool Bid Rejection October 17
The project team recommends rejecting the current bids for construction of the new Aquatic Complex at the October 17 meeting because all of the bids came in over the combined total of the bond allocation plus other available funds. The lowest bid is $24.6 million. Measure UU, approved by Piedmont voters in November 2020, authorized the sale of $19.5 million in general obligation bonds.
Numerous Piedmonters and professionals in the design and construction field, have questioned the likelihood of the Aquatic Center projected costs meeting the available funds. Supply chain issues and labor shortages have contributed to the rise in cost of construction at this time,
Between July 2020 and July 2022, the California Construction Cost Index increased by 30%, making this a difficult time to undertake a significant construction project such as Piedmont’s proposed Aquatic Complex.
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