Swearing In of New Piedmont Council and School Board, Mon. Dec. 19, 2022 6 PM
City of Piedmont Special City Council Meeting –
Monday, December 19, 2022 6:00 p.m.
Community Hall, 711 Highland Avenue, Piedmont, CA
Reception and Swearing In for New Piedmont Elected Officials
The City of Piedmont invites all community members to a reception celebrating newly elected officials and honoring outgoing Mayor Teddy Gray King following a special meeting of the City Council on Monday, December 19th at 6:00 p.m.
Both the meeting and reception will take place at the Piedmont Community Hall in Main Park (711 Highland Avenue) with the reception commencing immediately after the meeting concludes. Light refreshments will be provided.
Following the Council’s certification of the election results, Mayor Teddy Gray King, who is leaving office after two terms on the City Council, will share farewell remarks. Next, Piedmont’s new Board of Education and City Council members will be sworn in, formally assuming their new offices. The City Council will then elect a Mayor and Vice Mayor.
Everyone is invited to join in this celebration of our democracy! The City looks forward to seeing many community members in attendance.
This meeting will NOT be broadcast live due to bandwidth limitations at the Community Hall, but will be recorded and available for viewing online and on KCOM-TV afterwards.