Appointees Selected to Planning Commission and Housing Advisory Committee
On March 22, 2021, the City Council appointed Doug Strout to the Planning Commission and an alternate Planning Commissioner Justin Zucker. Also, the Council appointed 5 members to the new Housing Advisory Committee, Rani Batra, from the Planning Commission, June Catalano, Jane Lin, Justin Osler, and Claire Parisa.
Interview Schedule 2021-03-22 Unannounced
Planning 2021_ Applications [Redacted by City Clerk]
Housing Advisory 2021_ Applications [Redacted by City Clerk]
WATCH THE MEETING > Video of 3/22/2021 Special Council meeeting
Readers are advised to watch the interviews and meeting now. A public meeting notice was not provided to media sites, including this one, an error noted by the City. Interested individuals could not know the March 22, 2021 meeting was taking place unless they checked the Police Department Bulletin Board * 24 hours prior to the meeting.
*Correction from the City Clerk: The agenda was posted in three locations, the city’s web site, City Hall (we’re posting on the front door, as the bulletin boards are not accessible to the public because of COVID), and the Police Department. Residents who went to any of these locations would have seen the agenda, not just individuals going to the Police Department. City Clerk John Tulloch 3/29/2021
PCA Editors Comment: PCA’s goal is for transparency, public information and public involvement. The California Brown Act, requires agendas to be timely distributed to requesting media outlets. PCA, a media outlet, received no notice. The City Clerk has apologized for the noticing error. 3/30/021
More to follow in the future on the process.